Date: November 12, 2021 Location:Hounslow Venue:Online

The time to act on the climate emergency is right here and now. The UK will host the United Nations COP26 in Glasgow in 2021 and this brings a unique opportunity for young people to influence our response to the climate crisis. InterClimate Network is delighted to join again with the London Borough of Hounslow and Hounslow Education Partnership to offer an event to bring this critical COP26 debate to life.

Hounslow Schools Climate Conference will be held on-line during the morning of 12 November 2021, timed with the last day of the actual COP26 in Glasgow.

Conference outline

The conference will be run virtually using Microsoft Teams and each school team will need access to a computer with a microphone and camera so they can be clearly seen and heard by others.

Global negotiations Each school can put forward one team of students to represent one country. In preparation, there is a country briefing and COP26 Overview briefing (see Student Pack here) to guide a task to write a short opening speech. Students will debate progress towards the Paris Agreement and negotiate raising ambition for more action, as though they were at the United Nations itself.

Local action This part of the conference brings the issues close to home so that young people can have a say about climate action in their area. In a ‘Climate Question Time’, local decision-makers will make short contributions and young people will be invited to put forward their questions and views to the panel. The session will end with pledges for actions, including ways to make the most difference in school.

Point of contact: Michila Critchley, Programme Manager (