Read the latest updates and analysis from InterClimate Network, as well as schools and youth leaders in our network.

Mangroves are back at formerly degrades area in Yucatan, Ciénaga del Progures. Photo by Yoly Gutierrez/CIFOR If you use one of our photos, please credit it accordingly and let us know. You can reach us through our Flickr account or at: and

Exploring the regenerative promise of blue carbon ecosystems

ICN's climate correspondent Isla Graves explores the underappreciated role of blue carbon ecosystems in the fight against climate change, why they are often overlooked, and the emerging array of initiatives to ensure their protection and revival.

Young people learn lessons from Covid-19

Students took time to trial a new climate behaviour survey during lockdown and showed there’s a lot to learn by comparing Covid-19 with the Climate Emergency. Over 160 students from... read more

British Education and Young People

This article, by secondary school student Selene Kalra, was originally published in the Commonwealth Human Ecology Council Journal No 49 in May 2019: In the last few months, it has... read more